Monday 10 May 2010

sausage and mash potatoes with gravy sauce

For the mashed potatoes:
- potatoes
- knob of butter
- milk

boil the potatoes in the pan put salt boiling until tender.drain well and smach until smooth, adding butter and keep warm.

For Sausage:
I used pork german sausage,heat a tablespoon of the oil in the frying pan add the susage , frying them until golden brown and cooked,keep the warm sausage.

gravy sauce:                                                         
1 onion , peeled and  finelly chopped
1 tablespoon  flour
vegetable stock
fresh herb( oregano,thymne, rosemary)
1 teaspoon marmite

method for gravy:
1. place the pan used to cook meat over high heat, then cook the onion in the fat beef ( I used "knoor" beef stock)until softened, stir in the flourcooking until browned,
2. pour in vegetable stock,scraping up any browned bits from the bottom of the pan and stirring until the flour and the stock combined.bring the boil and add the herbs.simmer until the liquid reduced to gravy consistency and season., to taste add salt ad black pepper. stir in the teaspoon marmit for extra flavour.

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